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Ansys 12.0.1 x64 Magnitude: Compare with Other Simulation Tools and See the Difference


For the aforementioned reasons, this paper promotes the use of continuous damage models, which do not need computational costly tracking algorithms. A continuous damage model is developed and implemented to simulate the constitutive behaviour of the concrete in its evolution to collapse. This damage model, called different tension-compression (DTC), has a failure surface with the corresponding threshold values in tension and compression of the concrete. Additionally, in this model, it is possible to assign the density energy magnitude and it does not have the problems reported by Rots (1988).

Figure 1 for 1D and 2D problems, where the ultimate tensile and compressive strength, σut, and, σuc, respectively, have the same magnitude. This model, typically used to simulate the constitutive behaviour of some metals, is defined by the following equations:

ansys 12.0.1 x64 magnitude

Where the Maclauy operator and the symbol consider, respectively, the positive and the absolute magnitudes of the principal stresses. The interval of ϕ is [0,1], bounded by 0 for a triaxial compression (σ3

In this example, a reinforced concreted deep beam (l/h=1) is analysed, where a distributed uniformed load, with magnitude q=0.0078125P, is gradually applied downwards on the top of the beam shown in Figure 12a. The mechanical properties of the concrete are: Young's modulus Ec=31400 MPa, Poisson ratio ν=0.2, ultimate tensile strength σtu=2.5 MPa, ultimate compressive strength σtu=29.63 MPa and fracture energy density Gf=0.098 N/mm. The mechanical properties of the steel reinforcement are: Young's modulus Es=206 GPa, yield stress σy=536.6 MPa, Poisson ratio ν=0.3, area of the principal reinforcement bars A1=0.503 cm2 and the secondary reinforcement bars A2=0.178 cm2 and hardening modulus H=2.871 GPa. The distribution of the reinforcement is shown in Figure 12b.

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