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Codetwo Exchange Migration Keygen 13


When all migration batches complete, you can remove directory sync and exchange server to go cloud-only if you want. Keep in mind though the goal with a staged migration is to migrate fully to the cloud and not establish a permanent hybrid connectivity scenario.

codetwo exchange migration keygen 13

So basically, its ok to decomission on-prem exchange server and still be able to manage users from local AD (advanced option)?We are planning to migrate to MS365 from Exchange 2013. We have AD Connect in place already, syncing our local users and we would like to decomission on-prem exchange server right after migration.

We don't find you need any 3rd party tools for exchange to office 365 migrations except DeploymentPro which is handy for autoconfiguring desktop outlook. You can flip all the windows machines at once with DeploymentPro.

My migration was probably one of the more complicated scenarios. We have one exchange server that hosted 10 of our customers email. To make it more complicated the exchange environment was configured with Linked Mailboxes (Authentication Domain with exchange on another domain). Due to 365 licensing MS no longer allows you to multi tenant so we had to purchase 10 separate 365 tenants. The issue we had with the built-in Microsoft Exchange migration was that the only way for this to work was in a big bang approach. Obviously not going into to much detail this was a massive business risk for us and 10 of our customers so we opted for stage migration with a 3rd party tool. We chose Codetwo because during testing it did everything we needed it do and was straight forward configuration. We configured Dirsync to push the accounts to Office 365 and Codetwo was suppose to do the rest. Still waiting for bug fix but the new version looks allot better. Just another thing to remember with 3rd party tools is that if you schedule the synchronization and you end up postponing the cut over date, all Deleted and Changed mail items made on the source wont be reflected on the target. It's best to start the migration closer to the cut over date as possible.

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