In order to catch anything, the one doing the catching must be aware that something is being thrown to them and they must be prepared to receive it. This implies that there is someone on the other end, sending the object to the one who will hopefully catch it. There has to be some sort of relationship between the two and some sort of communication between them, as well. When it comes to values being caught, I think this is the part that I struggle with most. The ones tossing those values out for the ones to catch them have to be aware that they are doing so, which suggests intentionality. I am not always sure I like that part of this equation.
Living our values so they may be caught suggests that we have a good reason for the values we have chosen, that we understand and can defend these reasons, and that we believe that these values will bring a sense of well-being and happiness, to ourselves and those we love. Again, this insinuates that we have thought through all the options of values available to us and we have chosen those we believe will help us live the best life we can.
Essay On Values Are Caught Not Taught
Shields (2011) states that the relationship between character and content is not an either/or relationship, but rather a mutual on in which at times, one takes center stage. The same could be said about whether values can be taught or caught. At times, values being taught takes center stage and we can focus on role playing and providing examples of desired behaviors. Furthermore, values can be innately taught such as hard work, self-control and having a positive attitude. And at other time, values being caught are at center stage and students are witnessing values in real life experiences. Examples include gratitude towards each other or adults, wisdom and knowledge being passed along (not just in content area), love, and positive attitudes. Showing by example and teaching the academic language can be combined into what the Character Education Partnership (2013) explains is character education. The components of Character Education include whole child education, civic education, social-emotional learning, and service learning in which students become responsible, caring and contributing citizens. Character Education is only effective if all members of the community are involved.
I believe, like anything else that is being consumed and put into our working memories, that values are both taught and caught. It is apparent that children and learning immoral values through social media and as community members, it is our civic duty to redirect those notions and present values that are actually acceptable in society. We are after all, honoring the students ability to be part of the society and have potential roles, that are guided by values. Thus it is our job to do the best that we can thought leading by example and teaching, so that the students are molding into honorable members of society.
maybe it means that you should learn values by yourself and notsomebody should teach it to you..hope that helps.. maybe it meansthat you should learn values by yourself and not somebody shouldteach it to you..hope that helps. * * * "Caught and not taught"usually means you learn values or behaviors from the people andorganizations that practice them, rather than by being told. Inthat sense, yes, you learn them "by yourself," not by being toldwhat to do. Instead, you "catch" such values by seeing them livedin a powerful, attractive way. So if, for example, you were told bysomeone, "You ought to live a certain way" (but you saw them notbeing a very good example of their teaching), chances are you won't"catch" or consistently practice that value. On the other hand, ifyou see someone consistently living out what they believe withpower and great dignity--sometimes even in the face ofdifficulty--those are values that can be caught. Most of us *want*lives of significance. We admire others in whom we see strength,service to unselfish goals, transcendence over circumstances, andconsistent integrity. If their example, if their modeling of thosevalues, is powerful enough, their values can be caught. Sadly,values that are less helpful to us personally and to society, canbe "caught," too. What kind will people "catch" from you?
Values isn't just something that can be taught and stored in our memory. You have to provide actions by doing good deeds, not learning them. "Actions speak louder than words." If a person knows alot about values but doesn't use it to help others and their well being, do they really have any values at all?
The child just grows into and within the cultural heritage of his people. He imbibes it. Culture, in traditional society, is not taught; it is caught. The child observes, imbibes and mimics the action of his elders and siblings. He watches the naming ceremonies, religious services, marriage rituals, funeral obsequies. He witnesses the coronation of a king or chief, the annual yam festival, the annual dance and acrobatic displays of guilds and age groups or his relations in the activities. The child in a traditional society cannot escape his cultural and physical environments.
Based on cultural considerations, some forms of behaviour, actions and conduct are approved while others are widely disapproved of. To show the extent of disapproval that followed the violation of values that should otherwise be held sacred, the penalty was sometimes very shameful, sometimes extreme. African culture, with particular reference to the Ibibio people in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria, for instance, has zero tolerance for theft. The thief once caught in the act or convicted, would be stripped naked, his or her body rubbed with charcoal from head to toe and the object he or she stole would be given to him or her to carry around the village in broad day light. The sense of personal shame and the disgrace the thief has brought on himself or herself, family, relations and friends would be enough to discourage even the most daring thief. Antia (2005: 17) writes that "what a people hold to be true, right or proper with regard to those things explains much of the cultural traits by which they become identified". What Antia calls "traits" here can as well be called values; and Etuk (2002: 22) writes that "no group of people can survive without a set of values which holds them together and guarantees their continued existence".
Parents and kids alike love sports, and it's easy to get caught up in a game and become focused on winning. Yet there is much more to be gained from the sports experience than a winning record. When children and teens are involved in sports, they are able to learn and put into practice values that will stay with them for the rest of their lives.
In Social and Emotional Learning in Out-of-School Time, Dale Blythe talks about social-emotional skills being both caught and taught. Out-of-school time programs have traditionally emphasized the caught, building these skills through opportunities for modeling and practice.
From the dawn of civilization, values have been given paramount importance in human society. Good moral, social and religious values have always been used as yardstick to judge people across time and space. Honesty, truthfulness, sincerity, integrity, modesty and chastity are always sought from people as without values , man is worse than beast. Every parent and teacher is trying his best to teach values. But unfortunately, most of them fail to get the desired results as they fail to realise that values cannot be taught. They can only be caught.
It is never too early to start instilling moral and social values .Values should be instilled from childhood so as to make them strong habits. when values become habits; only then they become a part of character and personality. But it is an irony that some modern parents are trying to teach morality to students by providing story books and having access to you tube channels without pondering and applying themselves. Teachers and parents are role models; they need to practise good values only then they may transmit them to others. Values are more important than degrees; degrees are mere papers unless they bring change in our character. We need values for success in every stage and walk of life . If we lie ; cheat or use dirty techniques like nepotism in academics or professional life; then surely we need to think before labelling ourselves as educated. Not only this for successful marital life ; honesty, loyalty and truthfulness is needed. It is due to poor moral values that we have highest rates of pre marital and extra marital relations along with other crimes and scams. Young minds have become addicted to cyber pornography and filth. They have lost respect for their parents and elders. It is not uncommon to found students misbehaving with their teachers and parents. There are many educated people who maltreat their parents; they are ready to give money but not willing to manage time to take them to doctors. Many get settled abroad and then never look back to their parents. They forget all the love, care and sacrifices of their parents .Dear teachers, parents ; always remember values can only be caught ; not taught. we all need to work on becoming best version of ourselves ; only then we can hope for a value laden civilisation . There is dire need of value education in our era which has become corroded by individualistic and materialistic bent of mind.
The point of the Common App essay is to humanize yourself to a college admissions committee. The ultimate goal is to get them to choose you over someone else! You will have a better chance of achieving this goal if the admissions committee feels personally connected to you or invested in your story. When writing your Common App essay, you should explore your feelings, worldview, values, desires, and anything else that makes you uniquely you. 2ff7e9595c